
Educational Media Studio wants to make sure that we take care of your Skype or Zoom session in an efficient and professional manner. All sessions are held in the Media Studio located in P-131/134. In order to process this request, please complete the information below to the best of your ability. We are willing to discuss this request form to help you with the information needed. It is important for the department to receive this request in a timely manner. A minimum of one week is needed to fulfill your request.

Thank you for your submission! You will be receiving an email confirmation for your request. It should appear in your inbox within the next five minutes. If you still don't see it, please check your spam folder before getting in touch! Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about your request at mediastudio@sfcollege.edu.

Request Form


Contact Information

Skype/Zoom Information

Please include all relevant information pertaining to this Skype/Zoom session. The event location will be hosted in P-131 only.

Policy Reminders

  • This form is only a "request." An email will be sent upon confirmation of date/time availability and staff assignment if necessary.
  • Once confirmed, the "Contact's" name as listed on this request form cannot be changed without approval of Educational Media's staff (). The Contact Planner must be present for the duration of the scheduled educational event and will serve as the main contact person.

Incomplete Forms will not be processed.